Yuki's Diaper Pail


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College Yucky.

Stressy stressy snowmew.

I’m taking a class in college this semester that’s eating up the vast majority of my time. This class has put us into groups for the entire semester and requires pretty extreme time management skills and tons of planning between team members.

Of course, this has caused no end of problems where teammates try to do everything on their own. Meanwhile, I have a paper I need to write for another class. It’s due Sunday, but I need to have a good chunk of the draft done by Wednesday so I can share it with another group I have to work with this semester. I planned on working on this draft a little more tomorrow, but now I’m not going to have much time because my teammates aren’t working together. It’s kind of a nightmare situation. I’m not sure how I’m going to get through 12 more weeks of this. I’m so thankful that my machine learning class has such a light workload.

I wish I could just curl up in bed with a diaper and a plushie and watch Bluey all day long.

By: Yuki Snowmew, Posted: